Contact us

Want to get in touch? We’d love to hear from you.

Please complete this enquiry form with your property details and we will be in touch to arrange a time to discuss your property with you.
*All form elements are required.

    First name:
    Your email:
    Your contact number: (mobile or landline)
    Property address (inc postcode):

    Please answer the following questions

    1. Have you inherited the property?

    If 'Yes' is the legal process complete?

    Please provide any additional information that may be relevant to Q1:

    2. What is the approx. size of your plot?

    3. Is your property freehold?

    4. Does your property have any of the following? Tick all that apply

    5. What services do you have at the property / plot? Tick all that apply

    6. Has there ever been any mining activity within 3 meters of your home?

    (If 'Yes' please enter details below)

    7. Is there any other information regarding the property/land that may affect it currently or in due course?

    (If 'Yes' please enter details below)

    8. What timeframe are you looking for?

    9. Please upload / include a photo of the property / plot:
    Max files size 5mb and must be a .jpg file - no other files formats accepted